Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Bruiser by Neal Shusterman A+

Don't get me started on the Bruiser. He was voted "Most Likely to Get the Death Penalty" by the entire school. He's the kid no one knows, no one talks to, and everyone hears disturbing rumors about. So why is my sister, Brontë, dating him? One of these days she's going to take in the wrong stray dog, and it's not going to end well.

My brother has no right to talk about Brewster that way—no right to threaten him. There's a reason why Brewster can't have friends—why he can't care about too many people. Because when he cares about you, things start to happen. Impossible things that can't be explained. I know, because they're happening to me.

Award-winning author Neal Shusterman has crafted a chilling and unforgettable novel about the power of unconditional friendship, the complex gear workings of a family, and the sacrifices we endure for the people we love."
-Back of book.

Usually I don't like to spill the surprise of the books I review but with this one I really can't explain why I loved it so much without doing so. Brewster has a power that is very different from all other story's. Whenever Brewster cares about someone, like his brother, uncle, or friends, he starts stealing from them, in a way. He steals their pain. If his brother were to cut his hand, the scar would disappear and reappear on Brewster, and his brother would feel nothing.
I loved this book! It was so new and different and the characters change so much through the story. It's in four peoples points of view so you see everything from a different angle. This is a story for boys and girls, and all ages! It's exciting, clean, different, and heart touching. Loved it!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hush, Hush

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick B+

"For Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how much her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her...until Patch comes along.
With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgment, but after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure whom to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is, and to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is far more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.
For Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost her life."
-Back of the book.
This book was very surprising. I really didn't expect to like it and I really didn't until the end. The whole book was very suspenseful and had a nice amount of mystery to it as well, but I really didn't became hooked on this book until the end when everything fell into place and the story started making sense. I sure that if I reread it I would be hooked. I really can't wait to read the next book in this series because I already know the base of the characters, which you don't really get till the end. But the one thing that really bothered me throughout this book was the character Vee. Her personality was so annoying because it was so unreal. throughout the whole book Vee was beaten and kidnapped and after she just doesn't react to any of it. It got really annoyed. All in all it was a great book and I really did enjoy reading it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Unfair Godmother

My Unfair Godmother by Janette Rallison A+

"Tansy Miller has always felt that her divorced father has never had enough time for her. But mistakenly getting caught on the wrong side of the law wasn't exactly how she wanted to get his attention. Enter Chrysanthemum "Chrissy" Everstar, Tansy's fairy in shining, er, high heels. Chrissy is only a fair godmother, of course, so Tansy's three wishes don't exactly go according to plan. And if bringing Robin Hood to the twenty-first century isn't bad enough for Tansy, being transported back to the Middle Ages to deal with Rumpelstiltskin certainly is. She'll need the help of her blended family, her wits, and especially the cute police chief 's son to stop the gold-spinning story from spinning wildly out of control. Janette Rallison pulls out all the stops in this fresh, fun-filled follow-up to the popular My Fair Godmother. "
-Back of the book

I read the first of these books after my school had a visit from the author Janette Rallison, and I won a signed poster of this book cover. I really loved the first book and since I was like 25 in line at the library, I decided to by my own copy. I love this book! I'm so excited to say that her book are getting more adventures, cunning, and um...(Romantic) as they go. I'm pretty sure that there well be a sequel soon and I'll be waiting excitedly.
What made this books extra enjoyable for me was the humor, especially all the hilarious remarks to Twilight, so funny! Loved it!!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Uath Festival of Books

I heard that the Utah Festival of Books at BYU this year was going to have a bunch of local authors signing books. I went and got to meet Lisa Mangum and Aprilynne Pike! Two of my all time favorite authors!!!! they signed my books and Aprilynne Pike gave me some really cool rub on tattoos.
Aprilynne Pike and me
Lisa Mangum and Me

Me signing the "My Favorite Book Bord" (I put Twilight :)
And also David Archuleta was giving a concert there too!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Forgotten Locket

The Forgotten Locket by Lisa Mangum A+

( Warning, Might be a spoiler if you haven't read the first 2 books)

"The future is uncertain. The battle to control the past has begun. The final book in the riveting Hourglass Door trilogy begins when Abby steps through the black door, and she doesn't dare look back. Though it means leaving Dante—wounded, bleeding, and possibly blind—she knows it is the only way to save her family and stop Zo from manipulating the river of time and throwing the future into chaos. In the end, Abby must face a final confrontation that will take her to the very origins of the hourglass door. Praise for The Hourglass Door "
-Back of Book

I was so excited for this book to come out! I'm a huge fan of The Hourglass Door series and this was the last book of the trilogy. It was released on May 30th and I've been watching and waiting for it to be released. All my friends had no idea it was even out and I loved it because it meant no one was going to spoil it for me. I finished it the day I day I bought it and I still can't wrap my head around how crazy intense this book was! It was amazing and I think it must have taken Lisa Mangum quite awhile to layout such a mind blowing plot for her final book. Loved it!!!! If your a fan of her books then I'm sure you wont be disappointed with this!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Illusions by Aprilnne Pike A+

"Laurel hasn't seen Tamani since she begged him to let her go last year. Though her heart still aches, Laurel is confident that David was the right choice.

But just as life is returning to normal, Laurel discovers that a hidden enemy lies in wait. Once again, Laurel must turn to Tamani to protect and guide her, for the danger that now threatens Avalon is one that no faerie thought would ever be possible. And for the first time, Laurel cannot be sure that her side will prevail."
-Back of book.

This is the third book in the "Wings" series. I love those books and was worried that the next one wouldn't measure up. I was surprised how amazing her books are becoming, I love when an author's books become better with each new book. Illusions is fascinating and was fun for me because mentioned Tamani a lot more then in the other books. Loved it!!!!

My Fair Godmother

My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison A+

"After her boyfriend dumps her for her older sister, sophomore Savannah Delano wishes she could find a true prince to take her to the prom. Enter Chrissy (Chrysanthemum) Everstar: Savannah’s gum-chewing, cell phone–carrying, high heel-wearing Fair Godmother. Showing why she’s only Fair—because she’s not a very good fairy student—Chrissy mistakenly sends Savannah back in time to the Middle Ages, first as Cinderella, then as Snow White. Finally she sends Tristan, a boy in Savannah’s class, back instead to turn him into her prom-worthy prince. When Savannah returns to the Middle Ages to save Tristan, they must team up to defeat a troll, a dragon, and the mysterious and undeniably sexy Black Knight. Laughs abound in this clever fairy tale twist from a master of romantic comedy."

I know it's been a super long time since I've posted anything- major computer problems) but I'm super glad to be posting again. I met this author a few weeks earlier and I'd only read one of her books. Later I picked this one up from the library and could not put it down!! It's such a funny twist on fairy tale yet very adventurous at the same time. The characters were amazing and so real! I'm waiting for the sequel "My Unfair Godmother" and I can not wait to read it. I highly recommend this funny, clean, unique, story!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mary Poppins Contest!!!!

Everyone!! the CVJH Mary Poppins Contest video is now online!! go to , click the View, Vote, enter, click view videos, then watch the cvjh step in time video. voting begins April 25. it's one vote per computer per day. everyone please vote!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Kiss In Time

A Kiss In Time by Alex Flinn A-

"Talia fell under a spell...Jack broke the curse.
I was told to beware the accursed spindle, but it was so enchanting, so hypnotic...
I was looking for a little adventure the day I ditched my tour group. But finding a comatose town, with a hot-looking chick asleep in it, was so not what I had in mind.
I awakened in the same place but in another time—to a stranger's soft kiss.
I couldn't help kissing her. Sometimes you just have to kiss someone. I didn't know this would happen.
Now I am in dire trouble because my father, the king, says I have brought ruin upon our country. I have no choice but to run away with this commoner!
Now I'm stuck with a bratty princess and a trunk full of her jewels...The good news: My parents will freak!
Think you have dating issues? Try locking lips with a snoozing stunner who turns out to be 316 years old. Can a kiss transcend all—even time?
-Back of the book.

I really did enjoy this book but it could never compare to my favorite book by this author, Beastly. I find it really cleaver how Alex Flinn messes with fairy tales and makes them modern. There are other stories like that but she's the best at making them more real. This book had some nice humor to it, Talia is knows nothing about the real world and it's really funny when she tries to figure out simple thing like a light switch or a sell phone. Shes real snobby at the beginning and it's always nice to see character growth as the story goes on. A fun read by one of favorite authors.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Beastly by Alex Flinn A+

"Not quite wolf or bear, gorilla or dog but a horrible new creature who walks upright. I am a monster.

You think I'm talking fairy tales? No way. The place is New York City. The time is now. It's no deformity, no disease. And I'll,stay this way forever—ruined—unless I can break the spell.

Yes, the spell, the one the witch in my English class cast on me. Why did she turn me into a beast who hides by day and prowls by night? I'll tell you. I'll tell you how I used to be Kyle Kingsbury, the guy you wished you were, with money, perfect looks, and the perfect life. And then, I'll tell you how I became perfectly . . . beastly."

-Back of the book.

This is one of those books I saw everyone reading and I just thought I would hate it if I read it. But then I saw the movie trailer and i have to read the book before I see the movie so I gave it a try. I loved it! You see the characters change drastically through out the book. But what I thought was interesting about this, was that in his world the story of 'Beauty and the Beast' doesn't excised. instead he compares himself to characters like the phantom of the opera or the hunch back of notre dame. I'm really glad I gave it a try!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Firelight by Sophie Jordon A-


Marked as special at an early age, Jacinda knows her every move is watched. But she longs for freedom to make her own choices. When she breaks the most sacred tenet among her kind, she nearly pays with her life. Until a beautiful stranger saves her. A stranger who was sent to hunt those like her. For Jacinda is a draki—a descendant of dragons whose greatest defense is her secret ability to shift into human form.

Forced to flee into the mortal world with her family, Jacinda struggles to adapt to her new surroundings. The only bright light is Will. Gorgeous, elusive Will who stirs her inner draki to life. Although she is irresistibly drawn to him, Jacinda knows Will's dark secret: He and his family are hunters. She should avoid him at all costs. But her inner draki is slowly slipping away—if it dies she will be left as a human forever. She'll do anything to prevent that. Even if it means getting closer to her most dangerous enemy."

-Back of the book.

This is a very fun, creative and clean fantasy. I really liked it because it wasn't one of those stupid, twilight rip off vampire book, that it seems like everyone is writing nowadays. It's a totally new and adventures fantasy world that is balanced with the hilarious life at a high school. I also really loved how the characters are presented int the story. There isn't anyone I hate that I'm not suppose to hate. A good read!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Top Ten Authors

I know it's a little late since were a whole month into the new year, but here are my favorite authors of 2010.

1. Stephenie Meyer-twilight, and the host.
2. Lisa Mangum-Hour Glass Door, golden spiral
3. Apprilyn Pike- Wings, spells
4. Dorothy Keddington- Jay Hawk, Fairy Thorn, ext...
5. Sariah S. Wilson- Secrets in Zarahemla, Servant to a King, Desire of our Hearts
6.Jaclyn Dolamore- Magic Under Glass
7. Natalie Babbitt- Tuck Everlasting
8. Heather Hepler- Cupcake Queen
9. Carolyn Brown- Garnet, Willow
10. Janette Rallison- Just One Wish

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Halo by Alexandra Adornetto C+

"Three angels- Gabriel, the warrior; Ivy, the healer; and Bethany, the youngest and most human- are sent by Heaven to bring good to a world falling under the influence of darkness. They must work hard to conceal their luminous glow, superhuman powers, and, most dangerous of all, their wings, all the while avoiding all human attachments.

Then Bethany meets Xavier Woods, and neither of them is able to resist the attraction between them. Gabriel and Ivy do everything in their power to intervene, but the bond between Xavier and Bethany seems too strong.

The angel’s mission is urgent, and dark forces are threatening. Will love ruin Bethany or save her?"
-Back of the book

One of the things I didn't like at all from this book is that there angels but they drink coffee and wine. Also I just didn't like the characters, they all the girls in the book acted the same and the boys to. I didn't feel anything for the characters therefore the book kind of board me.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Magic Under Glass

Magic Under Glass by Jaclyn Dolamore A-

"Nimira is a music-hall performer forced to dance for pennies to an audience of leering drunks. When wealthy sorcerer Hollin Parry hires her to do a special act - singing accompaniment to an exquisite piano-playing automaton, Nimira believes it is the start of a new life. In Parry's world, however, buried secrets stir.
Unsettling below-stairs rumours abound about ghosts, a mad woman roaming the halls, and of Parry's involvement in a gang of ruthless sorcerers who torture fairies for sport. When Nimira discovers the spirit of a dashing young fairy gentleman is trapped inside the automaton's stiff limbs, waiting for someone to break the curse and set him free, the two fall in love. But it is a love set against a dreadful race against time to save the entire fairy realm, which is in mortal peril."

This was a very unique fantasy I really enjoyed. It had the common fairy tale novel with a totally unique and different take on fairy's. I really liked this book and I herd a little rumor the sequel is on it's way.